Vatsala, ‘ghazal’ singer, Times of Oman

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Vatsala, ‘ghazal’ singer, Times of Oman, December 12, 1985

“Vatsala Mehra”, the ghazal singer from Washington with a husky, expressive voice and uniquely light-hearted racy style, sings as beautifully as she looks” wrote the music critic of “The Evening News of India” in a recent review of her ‘ghazal evening’ in Bombay.

Vatsala Mehra is now on a tour of the Gulf – sponsored by the Lipton Tea Company and Pan American, and is due to perform in Muscat this month (date and venue to be announced shortly).

Vatsala is the latest star to emerge on the ghazal stage and if the music critics are right, she is all set to steal the limelight in the near future.

Vatsala has had rave reviews in the Indian press and has now released her sixth album ‘Hasrat’ (Desire). She is the first ghazal singer to feature on the Esquire video circuit.